Akkreditering 2023-27
Ikast-Brande Gymnasium har modtaget akkreditering til at deltage i det europæiske uddannelsessamarbejde, Erasmus+. Det EU-støttede samarbejde har fokus på social inklusion, den grønne og den digitale omstilling og fremme af unges deltagelse i det demokratiske liv. Med godkendelsen følger midler, der gør det muligt at sende elever af sted på studieture i Europa og opkvalificere udvalgte lærerkompetencer.
Afsluttede projekter
Transdigital Education 2023 add
Developing Key Competences through Holistic Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age
The goal of this project is to create an innovative, 'transdigital' learning and teaching approach based on the conviction that effective digital-age learning does not make isolated and ineffective use of digital devices and applications, but considers them as part of a holistic educational concept “to prepare students for a fulfilling and productive life in which their skills and attributes are constantly challenged, developed and applied as part of their lifelong learning” (J. Hare, Holistic Education).
The project will foster a broad and sophisticated set of skills, competences and personal qualities in secondary school students and teachers while its impact will be most visible in the close international collaboration and professional exchange of best practice among the project schools from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania and Spain, which will strengthen the awareness for how digital and traditional methods and media may intertwine to meet individual learners' needs.
Post-factEUal 2020 add
Transforming Europe from the 1930s to the Present
Europe has recently seen a rise of populism, a growth of nationalism, and a wave of fake news and propagandistic campaigns, which go against the European core values of democracy, solidarity, liberalism and enlightened political discourse.
History has taught us that the 1930s showed some striking similarities in terms of mass manipulation, populist rhetoric and misguided patriotism. This multinational project therefore aims at helping young Europeans of the 21st century to become astute critical thinkers in the quest for knowledge and cultural and national identity.
First exchange will go to Essen 4.2 2019 and will focus on the power of memory. Five students from Ikast-Brande Gymnasium, pre-IB, will work with students from our partner schools.
TRANS-EU 2018 add
WWI and Its Consequences 1918 - 2018
TRANS-EU is a 3-year interdisciplinary Erasmus+ project for secondary school students, which focuses on the central guiding question of how World War I and its consequences have shaped the process of transforming Europe from 1918 to 2018.
It was designed by Goetheschule Essen, Germany, Prywatne Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. I.J. Paderewskiego, Poland, Prva gimnazija Varazdin, Croatia, Ikast-Brande Gymnasium, Denmark, and Rotterdam International Secondary School, The Netherlands, with the overall aim of enabling young people between 14 and 18 to discover the interconnectedness of history and modern politics and the timeless ethical and cultural lessons that can be learned from WWI literature, science and art.
Questions about the IB?
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