Why choose the IB?

The International Baccalaureate is an internationally recognized education with high academic standards and a rigorous assessment policy.

If you are looking for an education that stimulates and challenges you but also requires hard work, then the IB is the perfect place for you. 

The IB Diploma programme is internationally recognized by more than 100 countries worldwide and the programme is taught entirely in English. The IB offers you a unique combination of high academic standards, a challenging international curriculum, and the opportunity to be part of an inspiring learning community with motivated peers from all over the world.

The IB programme is centred on delivering quality and excellence in education and in the usefulness of education to create a better world. Our students explore global issues and look for solutions to future problems by thinking critically and creatively, be it in a Global Politics class on the current wars and conflicts, in Business Management discussing sustainable production or Physics in a robotics class.


"I first learned about Denmark and the IB, when I was in a one-week exchange here in 10th grade. Once I heard about the IB programme I knew that it was something, I wanted to do. I came back to Denmark to join the IB at Ikast-Brande Gymnasium and I am very glad I did. I would like to study software engineering at university and the IB allows me to study anywhere in the world. Being able to choose where to go means a lot to me."

Juan Jose Abia Fernandez, IB graduate (Vigo, Spain)


‘I am Danish. Is the IB programme also for me?’

Although the IB program is international and prides itself of being recognized by universities worldwide, students born and raised in Denmark with no plans to study outside of Denmark will also benefit from an IB education. Choosing to take an IB diploma rather than a regular ‘studentereksamen’ will give you a unique chance to work within an international environment with students from many different backgrounds. The IB diploma program also gives you the opportunity to perfect your English and even graduate as a bilingual student.

Most importantly, the IB program is more academically challenging that the national Danish education system. If you like to challenge yourself and if you are willing to work hard to achieve results, then the IB education is a great alternative to a Danish ‘studentereksamen’. The program is also an excellent way to prepare yourself for the requirements and expectations of a post-secondary education.

An international education

The IB organization was originally founded as a response to the lack of flexibility in the different school systems around the world. Children of parents with international jobs were frustrated by the fact that foreign marks and exams were not always recognized in their home countries. The IB system was founded as an alternative to national education systems and targeted children whose parents worked abroad.

Today, the IB education system is recognized in more than 100 countries worldwide, and many of the major UK and North American universities are very positive towards prospective students with an IB diploma. If you are internationally educated and/or looking to study overseas, then the IB program is an excellent alternative to the Danish education system.

A holistic education

Although the program focuses on high academic standards and strict assessment policies, it is also a holistic education that asks students to be open-minded, socially responsible, willing to take risk and critical thinkers. Part of doing developing such skills is being involved in activities that do not include academics and classroom teaching.

Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) is a non-academic, obligatory subject that takes place outside of the classroom and asks students to be involved in extra-curricular activities and carry out work in their community. The IB organization also encourages exchanges with schools from other parts of the world.

The IB mission statement

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

This powerful mission that drives learning informs the development of each IB World School - as well as the IB’s larger global community of students and their families, teachers and supporters. IB World Schools strive to help realize this purpose for learning within their own local, state, national, international and global contexts.

Questions about the IB? 

You are always welcome to contact us...

Gitte Vestergaard Pilley

IB Coordinator

phone+45 9715 3611


Gitte Vestergaard Pilley

Bøgildvej 6, DK-7430 Ikast   •   phone +45 9715 3611   •   mail ig@ikast-gym.dk   •    mail sikker(secure) mail

Man-tors 8:00-15:00 og fredag 8:00-14:00


