Various methods are used to assess a student against the set objectives for each subject

External assessment
External assessment consists of exams that are marked by external examiners from within the IB system.

Externally marked exams consist of essays, short answer questions, structured problems and more. The types of assessment questions depend on the subject studied.

Although the majority of the external assessment is actual exams, some external assessment is completed in-class as assignments. These assignments, for example the extended essay and the theory of knowledge paper, are completed by students under teacher supervision and are then sent to external examiners to be marked.

Internal assessment
Teachers also assess students over the course of the two years of the program. Teacher assessment includes fieldwork in the sciences, oral work in languages, artistic performances, investigations and lab work in various other subjects.

The internal assessment is checked or moderated by external examiners, thus ensuring consistency and fairness.

Internal assessment usually makes up 20-30% of the final mark in a course.

Internally awarded grades
During each course, students’ work is graded by the teacher, using the IB grading scale. These grades are the basis of a student’s internal record. They appear on the transcripts issued to students three times a year and indicate the level of a student’s performance. The internally awarded grades also form the basis of the predicted grades for university applications.

Internal grades are awarded as follows
Course grades
Awarded throughout each term. Course grades are awarded on written and oral assignments and tests completed during the term. 
Term grades
Awarded at the end of each term and at the end of each school year. These grades represent the student’s performance and development throughout the year in tests, written assignments and oral presentations.

The IB has a seven point grading scale:


Very good 





Very poor

Award of the IB Diploma

Students who obtain 24 points or more in the exams and have completed their CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) pass the IB Diploma.

The maximum number of points a student can be awarded on his or her diploma is 45 points – 7 points in each of the six subjects and 3 bonus points. 

However, the following failing conditions apply:  

1. CAS requirements have not been met
2. Candidate's total points are fewer than 24
3. An N has been given for theory of knowledge, extended essay or for a contributing subject 
4. A grade E has been awarded for one or both of theory of knowledge and the extended essay
5. There is a grade 1 awarded in a subject/level
6. Grade 2 has been awarded three or more times (HL or SL)
7. Grade 3 or below has been awarded four or more times (HL or SL)
8. Candidate has gained fewer than 12 points on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count)
9. Candidates has gained fewer than 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL)

Bonus points

The maximum number of points a student can obtain in each course is 7 points. However, 3 extra bonus points can be awarded for the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge paper.

Each of these papers is graded on one of the five bands below:

Band A Work of an excellent standard
Band B Work of a good standard
Band CWork of a satisfactory standard
Band DWork of a mediocre standard
Band EWork of a poor standard

The total number of bonus points awarded is determined according to the following matrix:

Tok/EE     ABCDE
A3322Failing conditions
EFailing conditions 



Number of candidates registered in the session:59
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:59
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:55
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:31
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:42
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:5.01
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics:4
Passrate including students with passed course exams97%


Number of candidates registered in the session:42
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:41
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:36
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:    5.08
Passrate including students with passed course exams:93%


Number of candidates registered in the session75
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:75
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:71
Passrate including students with passed course exams*100%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:45
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:    5.08

*The Danish Ministry of Education accepts Course Exams with a score of a minimum of 3 in each subject, and 18 points overall, as equivalent to a Danish HF-exam.

Number of candidates registered in the session, incl course candidates:46
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:42
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:39
Diploma Passrate IBG:93%
Number of candidates who passed the Course Examinations:5
Passrate IBG, total number of students who gained access to post-secondary education in Denmark:96%
Worldwide passrate:89%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:    5.13
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics:2


Number of candidates registered in the session:49
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:49
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:47
Passrate:96 %
Passrate including students with passed course exams*100 %
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:34
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:    5.30

*The Danish Ministry of Education accepts Course Exams with a score of a minimum of 3 in each subject, and 18 points overall, as equivalent to a Danish HF-exam.

Number of candidates registered in the session:40
Number of diploma candidates registered in the session:40
Number of subject entries in the session:320
Number of candidates who passed the diploma:38
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:30
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:         4.80
Passrate for candidates registered for the diploma:95%
Course students not included in statistics: 4


Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session44
Number of candidates who passed the diploma at IBG37
Diploma passrate IBG 84%
Number of candidates who passed the course examinations*5
Passrate IBG, total number of students that gained entry into post-secondary studies in Denmark**95%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma30
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG38
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma4.73
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics0
Worldwide passrate NYA
Worldwide average pointsNYA
*As of May 2018, IB Course Examinations are recognized in Denmark. Students who pass their 6 IB DP subjects with a minimum of 3 in each subject and a total score of a minimum of 18 points gain access to post-secondary studies at college level (“kortere og mellemlange videregående uddannelse”)  
**Number of students with a passed Diploma exam and number of students with a passed IB Course Exam, see above. 



Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session41
Number of candidates who succesfully passed the diploma at IBG41
Passrate IBG 100%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma 5.07
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics7
Worldwide passrate78.4
Worldwide average points29.9


Number of candidates registered in this session30
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session30
Number of subject entries in the session240
Number of candidates who succesfully passed the diploma at IBG27
Passrate IBG90%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG40
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma 5.01
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics2
Worldwide passrate79.3
Worldwide average points30
Number of candidates registered in this session 48
Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session 48 
Number of subject entries in the session 373
Number of candidates who succesfully passed the diploma at IBG 45
Passrate IBG95%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma33
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG40
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma 5.13
Total number of candidates excluded from statistics0
Worldwide passrate80.8
Worldwide average points30.2


Number of candidates registered in this session39
Number of candidates who succesfully passed the diploma at IBG35
Passrate IBG 90%
Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma32
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG41
Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma5.11
Worldwide passrate79.4
Worldwide average points30


Number of candidates registered in this session17
Number of candidates who succesfully passed the diploma at IBG 17
Passrate IBG 100%
Passrate wordwide78,54%
Mean score IBG 32.59
Mean score worldwide 29,81
Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate at IBG 41
Mean grade IBG 5.12
Worldwide passrate 79
Worldwide average points29.9


Questions about the IB? 

You are always welcome to contact us...

Gitte Vestergaard Pilley

IB Coordinator

phone+45 9715 3611


Gitte Vestergaard Pilley

Bøgildvej 6, DK-7430 Ikast   •   phone +45 9715 3611   •   mail   •    mail sikker(secure) mail

Man-tors 8:00-15:00 og fredag 8:00-14:00


